Jun 17, 2008

a Facebook experiment, with viscous cream

"Orphan Film Symposium" is now a Facebook group. It's an experiment.


Ned Thanhouser suggested such a social network was in order. The goal is to keep the conversations and serendipities going between symposiums. Most of the work that manifests the films preserved and then shown at Orphans biennales goes on year-round of course. Perhaps this is another tool to keep partnerships going.

Also, this non-Facebook blogspot blog is open to any readers who want to guest-write a posting. I'm happy to add your text, images, video.

-- dan streible

p.s. A late Bloomsday quotation for you, from James Joyce's Ulysses:

What supererogatory marks of special hospitality did the host show his guest?

Relinquishing his symposiarchal right to the moustache cup of imitation Crown Derby presented to him by his only daughter, Millicent (Milly), he substituted a cup identical with that of his guest and served extraordinarily to his guest and, in reduced measure, to himself the viscous cream ordinarily reserved for the breakfast of his wife Marion (Molly).
